Department News

Click here to view the tentative Course Offerings for Fall 2016-Spring 2017.

Congratulations to Dr. Conor T. Riley (Sirbuly Research Group), who recently received his Ph.D in Chemical Engineering. His defense on "Plasmonic and Hyperbolic Metamaterials via Atomic Layer Deposition" was presented on May 27, 2016. Mr.

Congratulations to Dr. Aliaksandr Zaretski (The Lipomi Research Group), who recently received his Ph.D in NanoEngineering. His defense on "Scalable Fabrication of Large-Area Graphene and Graphene Nano-Composite Films for Flexible Electronics and Sensors" was presented on June 8, 2016. Dr.

Congratulations to Dr. Suchol Savagatrup (The Lipomi Research Group), who recently received his Ph.D in Chemical Engineering. His defense on "Semiconducting Polymers for Stretchable, Ultra-Flexible, and Mechanically Robust Organic Photovoltaics" was presented on May 12, 2016. Mr.

Transfer Triton Day is for newly admitted transfer students and will be held on Saturday, May 7th.  The entire campus will be open for tours and information sessions.

Congratulations to NANO Ph.D. student, Ms. Mollie Touve (The Gianneschi Group), who is a recipient of the 2016 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship! Ms. Touve's application was selected by the DoD from over 3,000 eligible applications received this year.

Congratulations to Lennart Langouche, Madhura Som, and Qiangzhe Zhang, who were selected for the Friends of the International Center Fellowship.

Ms. Freeman's defense on "Chemical Resonance Effects in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Nucleic Acid-Silver Composites" was presented on April 20, 2016. Ms. Freeman has been with the Department of NanoEngineering since Fall 2010.

Congratulations to Mr. Li, a Graduate Student in Dr.

Congratulations to Dr. Darren Lipomi and Mr. Aliaksandr Zaretski whose patent (METHOD FOR FABRICATION AND TRANSFER OF GRAPHENE) just got granted by the U.S. Patent Office.

Congratulations to Mr. O'Connor of the Lipomi Research Group for winning the Rudee Award for Outstanding Poster at this year's event, held on April 14th.

Congratulations to Mr. Jinxing Li (Wang Research Group) on being one of the four winners of the GSA's 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Award! An open reception will be held Tuesday, April 5th from 5-7 at The Loft. 

Congratulations to Mr. Ramirez (Lipomi Lab), Mr. Kumar (Wang Lab), Ms. Kroll (Zhang Lab) and Mr.

Congratulations to Mr. Brandon Marin for being selected by the Committee on Senate Awards as a recipient of the 2015/16 Barbara and Paul Saltman Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate Students.

This prestigious national award, intended to support the next generation of scientists, was given to Nano Grad Bandodkar in recognition of his work in Dr. Joseph Wang's Center for Wearable Sensors. The $10,000 award is given annually by Metrohm USA to a single scholar. Mr.

The Fellowship, which provides a $22,000 stipend to outstanding students in their last year of doctoral study, aims to help students focus on the final stages of their research and on writing their dissertations.

Moses Kodur, an undergraduate student in Nano Prof. Shirley Meng’s group, was awarded a prize for Best Presentation - Energy at the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium at Rice University in 2015. Moses received the award from Prof. Meng.

MRS Graduate Student Awards are intended to honor and encourage graduate students whose academic achievements and current materials research display a high level of excellence and distinction.

Professor Aaron Drews’ CENG 4 Experience Chemical Engineering seminar course was taught for the first time in Fall 2015 and exposed students to “real-world challenges that require them to integrate theory and practice.” Click