Conformational dynamics in supramolecular nanostructures - Dr. Julia Ortony
Opportunities and Challenges of Applying ML to Biological Experiments - Dr. Annalisa Pawlosky
Prospects for Bayesian optimization to reduce the complexity of materials processing optimization - Dr. Paulette Clancy
User-Programmable Hydrogel Biomaterials to Probe and Direct 4D Stem Cell Fate - Dr. Cole DeForest
Skin-Inspired Organic Electronics - Dr. Zhenan Bao
Symmetry and topology in photonic nanostructures - Dr. Abdoulaye Ndao
Exploiting Anaerobes for Biomass Breakdown and Sustainable Chemistry - Dr. Michelle A. O’Malley
Engineered Disease Models with Aged Tissue Microenvironments - Dr. Pinar Zorlutuna
From Natural to Synthetic Polymers: Understanding of Structure-Process-Property Relationships - Dr. Jaewon Choi
Biomimetic Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Infectious Diseases - Dr. Liangfang Zhang
Machine Learning meets First Principles towards a Periodic Table of Materials and Reactions - Dr. Jose Mendoza-Cortes
Designing intelligent Nano-Electronics for Biological Applications - Dr. Zeinab Jahed
From ssDNA Synthesis to Antifouling Brushes: Enzymes Enable Living Polymerization Reactions - Dr. Stefan Zauscher
Understanding and Design of Materials for High Energy Density Batteries - Dr. Jeffrey Lopez
Ocean of Data: Integrating first-principles calculations and CALPHAD modeling with machine learning - Dr. Zi-Kui Liu
Structure-property relationships at the atomic scale: Understanding next-generation eterogeneous catalysts - Dr. Joaquin Resasco
Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: a Path towards a Carbon Neutral Chemical Industry - Dr. Paul J.A. Kenis
Conjugated Polyelectrolytes in Biosensing and Disinfection - Dr. Kirk S. Schanze
Atomic Layer Processing for Water and Energy Technologies - Dr. David Bergsman
Interactions, microstructure, elasticity, and aging of colloidal gels - Dr. Eric M. Furst
Microneedle patch technology for long-acting contraception and dermal interstitial fluid diagnostics - Dr. Mark R. Prausnitz
Turning Immunity On and Off - Dr. Jeffrey A. Hubbell
Putting 3D Bioprinting to Tissue and Tissue Model Fabrication - Dr. Y. Shrike Zhang
Ion-to-Ion Amplification through an Open Junction Ionic Diode - Dr. Jeong-Yun Sun
Directing Assembly of Organic Electronics Inspired by Living Systems - Dr. Ying Diao
Redox-active Macromolecular Radicals Towards Sustainable Energy Storage - Dr. Jodie Lutkenhaus
Two Decades of Commercializing Nanomedicine With FDA Approval: Helping Real Patients Now - Dr. Thomas Webster
Rapid Production of Nanoparticles for Use in Gene & Cell Therapies - Dr. Viet Anh Nguyen Huu
Magnetic microrobots for early diagnosis and active delivery - Dr. Li Zhang
Nanoscale glycomaterials for tailoring glycan interactions at the cell-matrix interface - Dr. Kamil Godula
How Data-Science Methods can Accelerate Energy-Materials RD&D - Dr. Tonio Buonassisi
Thin film ASICs for flexible wearables - Dr. Prashant Agrawal
Precise engineering of semiconducting polymers for organic electronics - Dr. Christine Luscombe
Killing Cancer Stem Cells - Dr. Jeremy Rich
Evolution of the Conformational Free Energy Landscapes of Proteins - Dr. Diwakar Shukla
Multifunctional Polymers for Energy, Healthcare, & Artificial Touch - Dr. Darren J. Lipomi
Infrared plasmonic metal oxide nanocrystals - Dr. Delia Milliron
Nanobiosensors for diagnostics: from health, environment to safety and security applications - Dr. Arben Merkoçi
Tailor-made nanoparticles from molecular polymer brushes - Dr. Markus Müllner
Insect-Inspired Translational Research - Dr. Himanshu Mishra
Using light to probe biomechanical behavior and nonlinear optics of nanomaterials - Dr. Armani
Phantom-based Performance Test Methods for Evaluating Emerging Photoacoustic Imaging Devices - Dr. Vogt
Application of Taylor Vortex Flow to Crystallization Technology - Dr. Kim
Bio-functionalized gold nanoparticles: from design to application - Dr. Fiammengo
Using nanoHUB in Research and Education - Dr. Faltens
Material Characterizations and Designs for Energy Storage and Thermal Management - Dr. Yang
Social Media in Science, Engineering and Medicine - Dr. Mojarad
Graphene Oxide Liquid Crystal towards Real World Graphene Applications - Professor Sang Ouk Kim
Distinguished Seminar: Nanolayered Drug Release Systems for Regenerative Medicine and Targeted Nanotherapies - Dr. Hammond
Electrons in Two-Dimensional Materials: Mobility and Chemistry - Dr. Yuanyue Liu